YEAR IN REVIEW: AUGUST – Mother stabs 3-year-old son to death

After years of mistreating and neglecting her children, a 26-year-old mother of two has fatally stabbed her three-year-old son because she reportedly had a dream that she would die on August 25.
The infant Ramdeo Ferreira of Lot 585-Fifteenth Street, Foulis, East Coast Demerara is now dead following an ordeal that, according to the Police report, began at about 09:45h on said day, when this mother began pursuing her hapless infant in the yard with a knife in her hand.
A few minutes later, ranks at the Enmore Police Outpost received a report that the child had been stabbed by his mother; and when they arrived on the scene, they found the child lying unconscious in a pool of blood with suspected stab wounds to his neck and back.
Police rushed the three-year-old to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), but he died at about noon (12:00h) while receiving medical treatment. He was stabbed to the heart, a post mortem examination later conducted, revealed.

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